Reads a file that contains ASCII representations of basic data types.
Splits a string into an array of strings given one or more delimiters.
; hybrid_pres
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
case = "PI" ;"20ka"
prename = "*/"
fname = asciiread("*/tagging_hybrlev_filename_Ovapor_" + case + ".txt", -1, "string")
Nm = dimsizes(fname)
nrows = dimsizes(fname)
do i = 0, Nm-1
strs = str_split(fname(i), ".")
if (case .eq. "20ka") then
var = strs(17)
else if (case .eq. "15.5ka") then
var = strs(18)
else if (case .eq. "PI") then
var = strs(15)
end if
end if
end if
indat = addfile(fname(i), "r")
; read needed variables from file
data_orig = indat->$var$ ;subtracted variable name
fout_name = **
; remove existing file
if fileexists(fout_name) then
system("rm -rf " + fout_name)
end if
fout = addfile(fout_name, "c")
;In order to write large (> 2 GB) variables to a NC file, we have to set the NetCDF "Format" option to
;"LargeFile" or to "NetCDF4Classic".
; below is a large NC file to output
fout->$var$ = dataP
fout->lon = indat->lon
fout->lat = indat->lat
fout->time = indat->time
fout->lev_p = pnew
end do
Last update: 06/01/2022