A latest new finding to run NCL stramlined!
NCL command line options and arguments
; hybrid_pres
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
;var0 =(/"Z3","T","Q","OMEGA","U","V"/)
;index = 0 ;modify here!!
;var = var0(index)
var = var0 ;var0 is from command argument!
isextrap = isextrap0
interp_case = vertical_range ;vertical_range only these two case are acceptable: 1000-1 or 1000-100
inf = addfile("b.e13.Bi1850C5.f19_g16.fluxadj.PI.ctl.cam.h0.0131-01.nc","r") ;info data
prename = "b.e13.Bi1850C5CN.f19_g16.alpha01b.09.cam.h0."
in_ps = addfile(prename + "PS.050001-060312.nc","r")
indat = addfile(prename + var + ".050001-060312.nc","r")
; read needed variables from file
data_orig = indat->$var$ ; select variable to ave
P0mb = 0.01*inf->P0 ; unit hPa
;P0mb = 1000.
hyam = inf->hyam ; get a coefficiants
hybm = inf->hybm ; get b coefficiants
PS = in_ps->PS ; get surface pressure: Pa
; create an array of desired pressure levels:
if (interp_case .eq. "1000-100") then
pnew = (/100., 125., 150., 175., 200., 225., 250., 300., 350., 400., 450., 500., 550., 600., 650., 700., 750., 775., 800., 825., 850., 875., 900., 925., 950., 975., 1000./)
pnew = (/1.,2.,3.,5.,7.,10.,20.,30.,50.,70.,100.,125.,150.,175.,200.,225.,250.,300.,350.,400.,450.,500.,550.,600.,650.,700.,750.,775.,800.,825.,850.,875.,900.,925.,950.,975.,1000./)
end if
pnew@long_name = "pressure"
pnew@units = "hPa"
; calculate data on pressure levels, and note
; the 7th argument is not used, and so is set to 1.
; define other arguments required by vinth2p
; type of interpolation: 1 = linear, 2 = log, 3 = loglog
interp = 2
;Is extrapolation desired if data is outside the range of PS
if isextrap .eq. 0 then
extrap = False
extrap = True
end if
dataP = vinth2p(data_orig,hyam,hybm,pnew,PS,interp,P0mb,1,extrap)
dataP@units = data_orig@units
dataP@long_name = data_orig@long_name
;output data to new files
if interp_case .eq. "1000-100" then
fout_name = "b.e13.Bi1850C5CN.f19_g16.alpha01b.09.cam.h0.pressurelev."+var+".050001-060312.nc"
fout_name = "b.e13.Bi1850C5CN.f19_g16.alpha01b.09.cam.h0.pressurelev.1000-1hPa."+var+".050001-060312.nc"
end if
; remove existing file
if fileexists(fout_name) then
system("rm -rf " + fout_name)
end if
fout = addfile(fout_name, "c")
;In order to write large (> 2 GB) variables to a NC file, we have to set the NetCDF "Format" option to
;"LargeFile" or to "NetCDF4Classic".
; below is a large NC file to output
fout->$var$ = dataP
fout->lon = indat->lon
fout->lat = indat->lat
fout->time = indat->time
fout->lev_p = pnew
In Linux commad line, we can run hybrid2pres.ncl with arguments as follows.
ncl hybrid2pres.ncl 'var0="Z3"' 'isextrap0=1' 'vertical_range="1000-100"'
Last update: 02/15/2021